Silent Reading

What began at our centennial anniversary continues with ongoing literary events hosted by Christopher Frizzelle

People reading books while enjoying drinks at the Silent Reading Party in Hotel Sorrento
People reading books while enjoying drinks at the Silent Reading Party in Hotel Sorrento

Silent Reading Parties


WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

SELECT SUNDAYS 3:00 p.m. - 5 p.m.

The reading party makes for a romantic date night, a relaxing night out with friends, or a fun solo activity in the city. Bring whatever you feel like reading (a book, a magazine, a newspaper) and read it, silently, to yourself, while resident musician Paul Matthew Moore plays exquisitely relaxing piano music. There is also a Zoom version of this party that happens every week. Note: there is a $20 food or drink minimum per person, which is not included in the reservation fee. The reservation fee benefits the organizers of this party; your food and drink purchases help our staff and help us continue to host the Silent Reading Party, which has taken place at Hotel Sorrento since 2009.

Click here to see photos of the tables, chairs, and barstools available for reservation.


  • You must be 21+ to attend this party, as it takes place in a room with a bar.
  • There is a $20 food or drink minimum per person, which is not included in the reservation fee. Aperitivo menus are available on Sunday afternoons, as well as dinner menus. On Wednesday nights, only dinner menus are available.

The reading party makes for a relaxing time with friends, a romantic date, or a fun solo activity in the city. The Silent Reading Party has been replicated around the world — from San Francisco to Brooklyn, from Nigeria to Australia — but we started it in Seattle, and we do it best.

Good Morning America host, Charlie Gibson, takes a look at Silent Reading Parties, starting where it all began: Christopher Frizzelle at the Hotel Sorrento!

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